Trinisyah Ersa Pratama
Trinisyah Ersa Pratama Group is a company engaged in the General Trading and Distribution sector
Established in 2004 with the aim of contributing to the acceleration of domestic industry, especially in the cement and coal industry sectors
Over time, the TEP Group continues to transform and become one of the companies that has a fairly extensive relationship and network with several international standard trading companies (traders) and suppliers, both domestically and abroad with quite a variety of commodities.
To become a professional, credible, and trusted trading and distribution company by adhering to the principle of customer satisfaction which is our greatest asset.
Presenting quality and high-quality products that can meet customer satisfaction through:
- Product specifications that meet customer expectations, requirements and requests.
- Timeliness of implementation in accordance with the plan.
- Performance Optimization, Occupational Safety and Health.
Provide added value for stakeholders (Owners, Employees, Customers and the Community). Carry out company operations that refer to operational standards that are beneficial to ‘stakeholders’ by implementing ‘Good Corporate Governance’ as the basic philosophy.

Services of TEP Group