Conservation and Forestry

Project for Reducing Carbon Emissions Through Forest Conservation


Realizing emission reductions in Indonesia through forest conservation for the sake of carbon availability for human life from the threat of climate change impacts.


Conserving and rehabilitating forests, promoting and developing activities that have a low carbon impact in various fields of human life, especially in the industrial sector. Develop awareness of the importance of sustainable carbon stocks to all stakeholders, including the government, business actors and the community.

Service of Satu Lestari Alam

Layanan PT Satu Lestari Alam - PT Trinisyah Ersa Pratama

Business Consulting

Layanan PT Satu Lestari Alam - PT Trinisyah Ersa Pratama

Forest Conservation and Carbon Offsetting

Layanan PT Satu Lestari Alam - PT Trinisyah Ersa Pratama

Developing Local Community

Satu Lestari Alam

Assist clients in providing certification, calculating and analyzing



Provide certification in carbon neutral efforts with the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) or Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) scheme.


Carbon Calculation

Analyze emission calculations and calculate emission baselines by doing calculations for the past 3-4 years. From this calculation, it will be concluded related to the emission savings made and if there is a potential for traded carbon, we will convey it to the client.


Greenhouse Gas Inventory

SLA assists clients in calculating the potential carbon from forest area that can be traded through a carbon neutral scheme, with a basic methodology for calculating carbon offsets and tracking greenhouse gases from activities that are categorized as positive carbon.

Project Portfolio

Minimizing the Impact of Deforestation

As a tropical country that has the third largest forest in the world, Indonesia is highly expected to carry out forest rehabilitation and sustainability so that it can produce sufficient carbon for human survival. The forest area in Indonesia is around 187 million hectares, mainly in Kalimantan, Papua, Sumatra and Sulawesi.

Unfortunately, the deforestation process in Indonesia is massive as a result of sustainable forest management, forest fires and illegal logging. There has been forest degradation in Indonesia along with a large-scale decline in biodiversity and continued forest loss due to conversion of forest land to other uses.

Trees and other vegetation play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Forests absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and through the process of photosynthesis convert it into biomass. The results of this cycle show that mature forests store large amounts of carbon, locking it in trees and other vegetation as biomass, both above and below ground. While forests remove CO2 from the process of burning fossil fuels, deforestation releases this CO2 into the atmosphere.

Unfortunately, the deforestation process in Indonesia is massive as a result of sustainable forest management, forest fires and illegal logging. There has been forest degradation in Indonesia along with a large-scale decline in biodiversity and continued forest loss due to conversion of forest land to other uses.

Minimizing the Impact of Deforestation

Every year, Indonesia loses 684,000 hectares of forest due to illegal logging, forest fires, forest encroachment and forest conversion carried out by irresponsible parties by burning or logging illegally in Indonesia. These illegal activities have a negative impact on the world’s climate as well as the people, fauna and flora in the damaged forest area.

Sustainable Economy

Conduct training for the community in order to improve welfare in a more sustainable manner

Sustainable Education

Building a Green School that is sustainable and environmentally friendly in order to provide opportunities for the community to explore green and sustainable jobs.


Conduct training for the community in order to improve welfare in a more sustainable manner

Community Training

Conduct training for the community in order to improve welfare in a more sustainable manner.